Vote 2024!!!

April 2: Spring election

August 13: Fall Primary

November 5: General election

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Peninsula Pulse Podcast:
LWV of Door County Inspiring Civic Involvement and Education

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men that encourages informed and active participation in government.

The Door County League of Women Voters:

  • Helps citizens take part in elections

  • Encourages citizens to participate in the democratic process

  • Strives to influence public policy through study and advocacy

Red car in Equality Day Parade

Current Events

Find out about upcoming LWV sponsored events as well as information about other upcoming events in our community that might be of interest to you.


Take Action

Ready to get involved? You can join the Door County League of Women Voters or simply take measures to support and contribute to issues most important to you.